Cold Chain Management

Temperature-sensitive goods
supervision and compliance

Cold chain compliance in the automotive transport sector is a
major issue, both for public health and for economic reasons.
Temperature monitoring is essential to keep a detailed control to
avoid fines, avoid food wasting or other heat-sensitive goods in
the cold chain management, facilitating detailed information of
the entire trip, reducing risks and considerably increasing the
return on investment.

The heat-sensitive goods transport is subject to numerous standards and regulations.

The cold chain breakage can have serious repercussions and
needs to be controlled precisely and regularly manner.

To meet this challenge and allow carriers to secure the goods for which they are responsible, Didcom has developed a real time remote temperature monitoring solution with Bluetooth Low Energy sensors.

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Temperature sensors can be fixed in different areas of the
refrigerator trailer to know the temperature behavior in
different zones, establishing monitoring automation and
notifications linked to every temperature record with
real-time positioning information for the precise decision
The temperature log records are obtained through Didcom BLEG and transmitted in real time via the GO device, which will send all the information to MyGeotab.


Supervise and secure the temperature-sensitive goods
transport with wireless bluetooth temperature sensors in
order to provide precise and trustful cold chain traceability
to ensure regulatory compliance..

This solution provides detailed information about the entire trip,reducing compliance risks and helping to ensure return on.

cargo control
Fines reduction and less merchandise rejection

Detail temperature log for cold chain audit
Elimination of costs due to deterioration

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