Trailer Tracking and Assembly

Trailer management and
assignment to streamline
location and travel

Smart Inventory allows you to identify each of the trailers within the storage yard, updating its presence record and updating its “trailer available” indicator, as well as identifying when the trailer is absent from the yard and is reflected as “trailer not available.”

Didcom's Smart Inventory solution is an implementation of Bluetooth® technology with internet connectivity, through an array of “IoT BLE Gateways” distributed in the storage yard, to cover the total area of the trailer storage property with its range.

Each trailer is integrated with a unique Bluetooth® identifier “BT Beacons”, which is automatically and continuously read while within range of the IoT BLE Gateway in the yard.

  • Accessible technology to optimize costs
  • Heavy-duty design for extreme conditions
  • Highly durable construction and long lifespan

Custom Technology Integration!

IOT BLE Gateway

An IOT “gateway” device. It closes the communication gap that exists between devices, equipment, sensors and the cloud. It systematically connects the cloud and devices in the field, offering processing through the server on which it is directed.

Bluetooth Beacon

Device that combines robustness, compactness and longevity. The beacon is integrated with Bluetooth technology, ideal for identifying equipment, resistant to extreme industrial environments, guaranteeing a transmission range greater than 100 m and an autonomy of up to 10 years, depending on its configuration.

Smart Inventory Dashboard

Web application that is responsible for processing and monitoring the communication of the “BT Beacons” that are within the area, if a “BT Beacon” allows information to be sent for more than 5 minutes, the device will be marked as absent and will not be counted in the inventory.

  • The system will take the information related to the trailer from the trip matrix file
  • Based on the information from the trip matrix file, the statuses of each trailer will be presented

Data Transfer

Simplified architecture for data processing, to obtain information from the Bluetooth Beacons in the trailers and subsequently display them at a dynamic report level in the cloud.

Monitoring Area

Analysis of the storage yard for the effective implementation of the IoT BLE Gateways necessary to cover the area (100 meter radius range) and perform continuous reading of the Bluetooth Beacons installed in the trailers.

Smart Inventory Dashboard

Dynamic inventory report through the web platform, according to the following conditions:

Smart Monitoring

If a Bluetooth Beacon in the trailer is out of range of the IoT BLE Gateways for more than 5 minutes, it will be marked as absent and will not be counted in the inventory.

Activity Programs

The Smart Inventory web platform can connect directly to a customer data repository, from which it obtains scheduled information and compares it with current inventory to determine any trailer assignment incidents.


The system will be able to identify 3 main states:


When the box has a valid trip.

On yard

When the unit has a valid trip with an expired pick. It assumes the trailer should be out of the yard by now and it's still there.

Non registered dispatched

The unit does not have a valid trip recorded in the matrix and is located outside the yard.


Our Smart Inventory telematic solution provides support to your management to avoid assignment errors and loads in wrong destinations that impact punctuality and operation cost, with continuous monitoring of your trailers to assign the correct loads to the right trucks in an accurate and timely manner.

Digitization of processes and
reduction of inventory times

Reduction of operating costs due to erroneous allocations

Prevention of fines
for delays, non-compliance and dissatisfaction

Optimization in the identification
and location of trailers

Homogeneous use
of disused trailers

Agile connection with
current operation logistics

We help you optimize your vehicle fleets

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