Real Time School Transport Monitor

Our telematic solution monitors the students transportation services, with a registration of every passenger each time they get in and get off from the vehicle, linked with the Telematic Device and transferring the information in real time.




Fully integrated with the Monitoring Platform, so that all the traceability of passenger transport is georeferenced and notified in real time.

Measuring and controlling the capacity of the student transport services, providing certainty and control of user assistance to school, with real-time notifications for each passenger boarding the vehicle.
Reader placed at the
vehicle boarding deck

Passenger places the card
on the reader when boarding

Time, GPS location and
passenger profile registration
Information is sent in real time
to platform servers

The end user view the information
and reports online

Fully integrated with Mygeotab

Web Platform for School Administrators

Identify every passenger onboard, monitor bus occupancy and manage punctuality attendance log.

  • Filters and selection
  • Events per vehicle
  • Events per student
  • Parents catalog
  • Add and edit info

Mobile App

The Buswatch® mobile application provides real-time visualization of the vehicle en route, so that parents and students are always on time, avoiding bus misses and shortening waiting times at the bus stop.

Monitoring App for Parents

Visualize your bus estimated arrival time at your stop and locate the bus route your passenger is on board.

  • Step by step tutorial
  • Login and visualization
  • Notifications and alerts
  • Get in and get off log
  • Every trip attendance log

App for Parents

Cards Log Control for Drivers

Integrated functionality for the driver, being able to indicate the start and end of their trips, as well as define stops such as ascents and descents.

  • Precise and punctual departures and arrivals
  • Monitoring and GPS registration of each card
  • Accurate counting of get in and get off events at every stop and every destination

App for Drivers


Buswatch® helps to enforce safety and punctuality to bring peace of mind to parents and precise control to students' transport services.

  • Safer travels
  • Shorter waiting periods at stops
  • Punctual arrivals and departures
  • Accurate attendance record
  • Log of get in and get off events
  • Capacity control in each vehicle
  • Identification of each passenger on board
  • Route tracking of each vehicle and passenger on board
  • Real-time notifications of arrivals and departures

We help you optimize your vehicle fleets

Tell us what you need and we will provide the most appropriate solution