Fuel Level Management

Efficient fuel usage
and performance

Fuel efficiency in the automotive transport sector is a key indicator in fleet operation that directly influences business profitability.

Fuel level monitoring is essential to have a detailed analysis of the fill-ups and fuel usage to detect critical trends, helping to correct and define the adequate consumption levels to reduce costs in the day-to-day operation and for staying in compliance with environmental regulations.

Fuel is one the largest operational costs in fleets and it can highly reduce the business profitability when it is not monitored properly and frequently.

Excessive fuel consumption and possible fuel theft or extractions are some of the major challenges for automotive transport companies due to the fleet managers' limitations to monitor and validate fuel usage on the fleet's daily operation.

To meet this challenge and enable carriers to ensure control of fleet fuel usage, Didcom has developed a real time management solution to monitor fuel level with Bluetooth Low Energy sensors.

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Provide precise traceability of the fuel usage to fleet owners management by validating correct fill-ups and preventing theft through status reports and notifications, with behavioral analysis of parameters that directly influence its result.

The fuel level log records are obtained through Didcom BLEG and transmitted in real time via the GO device, which will send all the information to MyGeotab.


Supervise and ensure the right fuel consumption and performance through fuel level monitoring with bluetooth wireless fuel level sensors to identify bad operation practices and deficient driving habits to correct and standardize responsible fuel usage levels.

Traceability of fuel
level at all times
Validation of every fuel
fill-up on the vehicle

Detailed fuel usage
audit along the trip
Prevention of
possible fuel thefts
or extractions

Mitigation of excessive
fuel usage expenses

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