With this growth in the Autotransport Freight Fleets in Mexico, according to figures from the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), there is an increasing number of cargo vehicles that require better Telematic Solutions to guarantee efficiency and safety in the operation.
Trailers and semi-trailer represent 49% of freight transport vehicles, reaching a total of 563,400 units, which represents a growth of 4.7% compared to 2019.
While the number of trucks grew 2,1% and tractors 4,1%, the Federal Passenger Transportation was reduced by 60% due to the health emergency situation generated by the pandemic (DGAF).
The two segments that most benefited in 2020 were the Freight Transportation at the border, which had a growth in its fleets of 13,6% and in the first place, the Last Mile Fleets dedicated to the delivery of parcels with a growth of 17,3% driven due to the contingency situation and the rise in demand for online sales.
Growing in number of vehicles is not enough for fleets, it is key to the operation that Fleet Managers integrate their new units into the Business Telematic Ecosystem for timely monitoring.
Freight Transportation must consider better strategies to strengthen the distribution chain in supply centers and Last Mile distribution, in the face of the growth of e-commerce.
Didcom® Telematics Solutions help you guarantee the performance and compliance of your Vehicle Fleets in three areas: Efficiency, Logistics and Security.
Size the fleets to the needs of your customers and optimize resources to the maximum with intelligent models to strengthen the profitability and competitiveness of your operation.
Take control of the operation and manage the fleet with proactive measures to ensure the compliance and level of service to your customers, guaranteeing greater operational and business profitability.
Provide peace of mind to your operation with a risk prevention at the wheel and reinforce the road compliance of your units on the road, avoiding situations that impact the productivity, reputation and profitability of the business.
Didcom® Telematics is expandable and adaptable technology to the requirements of each fleet, either by increasing the number of vehicles or by wanting to integrate and customize specific solutions to your needs or problems in the operation.
Our Telematics Solutions allow you to monitor all aspects of the operation in each of the vehicle units in your fleet to take proactive measures, correct deficiencies, guarantee compliance and improve profitability.
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