In 2025, transport companies need to drive safer roads in their operations, not only for the well-being of their operators, but also to reinforce the operational efficiency of the fleet and the profitability of their business operations.
The support that technology can provide to transport fleets is a great added value that reinforces safety in the cabin and on the road, through solutions that detect and alert risky habits and situations in real time, preventing accidents and avoiding their fatal consequences.
Didcom provides a Video Telematics solution that supports drivers at the wheel to prevent poor habits and risky behaviors that may endanger their integrity and others on the road, through a device that integrates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision technologies to detect risks at the wheel and automatically alert the driver.
Our solution takes on the role of an in-cab coach through its technologies and with minimal human supervision, promoting safer roads with drivers supported by a precise and reliable technological solution for the operation and for the benefit of all.
Our telematics solutions provide valuable support for drivers and fleet management to benefit operational efficiency, business profitability and safety on the road, reinforcing the trust and commitment with which transport companies operate on the country’s roads and highways.
At Didcom we are committed to building the future of automotive transport with innovative technologies at the forefront of current and future needs in the industry, promoting strategic alliances with fleets and organizations that benefit economic development and our society.
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