Non-Invasive Prevention is a quality highly demanded by fleet operators, so it is key to clearly express that Prevention and Privacy coexist in harmony in our Video Telematics solution for Fleet Management, a relevant aspect to highlight in the face of the current situation of operator shortage in the region.
In Mexico, an operator deficit of 60 thousand jobs is estimated according to the National Confederation of Mexican Transporters, A.C. (CONATRAM), figures that tie with the estimate of 56 thousand operators of the International Road Transport Union (IRU), a deficit that worsens in the United States with a figure that rises to 200,000 operators, so the retention of operators and attraction of talent is a critical situation in the region’s Automotive Transport Fleets.
Didcom provides a video telematics solution that is natively integrated into the Geotab ecosystem and works seamlessly with third-party systems, to complement safety-oriented technology in fleet operations.
Our video telematics solution provides 360° visibility of the road and the cabin to have high-resolution evidence of the identified risk events as well as the accidents that occur, thus providing the necessary material for analysis and fair delineation of responsibilities.
· High resolution video
· Night vision and wide angle
· Cloud storage
· Privacy-oriented design
· AI capabilities
· Alerts in real time and in the cabin
· Driver training
· Complete information capabilities
At Didcom we help you integrate a Non-Invasive Video Telematics solution for your operators, allowing you to reinforce security and prevention in the operation without compromising privacy, relying on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision technology.
Our solution supports Automotive Transport Companies to reinforce safety for operators behind the wheel, identifying and generating alerts in real time in the cabin to correct and react in a timely manner, avoiding accidents and helping them reach their destination safely and return safely to home with their families.
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