CAN Logger Guard

Engine Analysis and Protection

Analyze the operation and protect
your engine automatically.

Telematics solution that interprets and records in real time the different parameters that are available in the CAN communication network to know driving habits, helping to avoid considerable damage to the engine autonomously, protecting it against out-of-range operating conditions and acting on the spot.

The engine is the most expensive component of the vehicle unit

Automatic motor protection under certain circumstances, monitoring its operation at all times and acting quickly in situations in which it is necessary to protect its integrity:



Technology oriented to heavy trucking, with which the different parameters that are available in the CAN communication network are interpreted and recorded in real time, which allows knowing driving habits and engine behavior at a very detailed level.

The power of information is a great competitive advantage

Operation analysis in great detail that allows knowing in different time ranges, from minutes, hours and days, the point-by-point behavior of the different parameters recorded.

More details

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