The Great Place to Work® Certification is a global benchmark for recognizing outstanding experience in the workplace, and this year Didcom once again obtains this valuable recognition that is based mainly on what its collaborators express about their experience in the workplace in terms of trust relationships and work environment.
In 2024, Didcom is proud to once again receive the Great Place to Work® Certification, reaffirming our firm commitment to our collaborators. This recognition highlights our strong relationships based on trust and mutual support, which translates into long-lasting relationships, this beneficial work culture is reflected in the way we treat our clients: with professionalism, kindness and specialization, which translates in an exceptional experience provided by our collaborators.
“Being part of the Great Place to Work Mexico companies not only validates our positive trajectory, but also allows us to acquire a valuable vision about our strengths and opportunities for improvement. Our ongoing commitment is to ensure that every employee feels genuinely proud to be part of an exceptional, high-quality work environment. Undoubtedly each member of Didcom has contributed to establishing us as a truly Great Place to Work.”
Lizeth Gálvez
Human Capital Coordinator
“We are proud to be part of the Great Place to Work® Mexico companies, which stand out for their exceptional work culture and human relations. Being recognized as an excellent company to work for in our country is a testament to the high-quality relationships based on our values that prevail in our organization. “This recognition motivates us to reaffirm our purpose and to continue providing technological solutions and specialized products internationally.”
Ing. Yojanan Cornejo Chait
CEO – Chief Executive Officer
About Great Place To Work®
As the global authority on workplace culture, Great Place To Work® brings 30 years of innovative research and data to help every location become a great place to work for everyone. Its proprietary platform and For All™ model helps companies evaluate every employee experience, and exemplary workplaces earn Great Place To Work Certified™ or receive recognition on a coveted Best Workplaces™ list. Learn more at and follow Great Place To Work on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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