Revolutionizing passenger transportation services in Mexico

Mobility ADO

Mobility ADO is a company founded in Mexico in 1939, an expert in comprehensive mobility solutions with a presence in Mexico, Spain, Portugal, and Central America

America, operating more than 10,000 vehicles, including urban, interurban, and BRT trucks, transporting more than 500
million passengers a year and covering more than 1,000 million km traveled each year.
With a presence in 15 states of the Mexican Republic, which represent just over a quarter of the national territory and concentrate 35% of the population of all of Mexico, Mobility ADO reflects its effort to be at the forefront of technology to provide new and best solutions in commitment to its vision 'Improve the quality of life, through mobility.'

It was necessary to develop and implement a fleet management and administration technology solution capable of sticking to the main objective of Mobility ADO, 'Build mobility solutions focused on the needs of its customers and users' which should make the most of the resources and information generated. to offer multi modal and comprehensive mobility solutions to make better operational and business decisions.

The project had to be planned in a scalable way with the capacity for expansion and, above all, integration, since the different business lines of the group distributed in different regions of the country had to be considered, ranging from long-haul, urban, and interurban services to tourist services, always looking for better mobility solutions, integrating different modes of transport to make the life
of its customers easier.

During more than 7 years of commercial relationship, we have achieved the development and implementation of an ecosystem of integral technological solutions that have helped to generate valuable information for the optimization of the Mobility ADO operation.

Unique hardware and software products have been developed, which have been integrated into current and proprietary Mobility ADO solutions, which has strengthe-
ned and potentiated the technological level that was available, making the most of the investment and its scope of integral operation.


Mobility ADO

The development and implementation of this technological project in its different stages has meant advancing in the consolidation of Mobility ADO's mission of being able to improve people's quality of life through mobility.

It has been possible to generate valuable information with a significant impact at the operation and business level for Mobility ADO, which has been relevant to obtaining significant savings related to logistics and fleet maintenance, as well as increasing the level of customer service. , the optimization of resources for the daily operation and the consolidation of opportunities for new businesses.

More details

Download and view the technical and commercial documents of the solution.

Didcom can help you improve the operation of your bus fleetthrough the integration of telematics solutions that provide a precise and real-time overview of the operation to identify opportunities for improvement and reinforce operational efficiency.