State-of-the-art customer
service technology for passenger transport in Mexico


Transpais is a leading company with more than 80 years of experience in passenger transportation...

with a fleet of more than 1,000 units that travel routes in the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí and Veracruz, distinguished by its focus on the service to provide security and confidence, including constant innovation and direct customer service.

Always being at the forefront of technology is a constant for Transpais, which is why it has a modernity and safety standard that makes its trips a unique experience, with the main objective of “bring people closer”.
Transpais sought to consolidate the commitment to its vision of constant improvement and innovation in favor of providing better customer service, caring about the experience of its passengers and turning solutions into competitive business advantages.

The implementation of a variety of telematics technological solutions was required in its bus fleet aimed at providing valuable information to different areas of the company to increase efficiency in the operation, through its specialized monitoring center, who could view the information of simple way and integrated in a single platform in real time, to support operational decision-making in a fast and well-founded way.

Didcom has collaborated with Transpais for more than 12 years in engineering developments and integration of technologies for fleet management, obtaining as results unique solutions according to their operational needs and with the capacity for growth and expansion according to their requirements.



This project technological implementation has managed to provide a clear vision of the fleet operation in a simple, efficient and visually attractive way, facilitating control, incident detection and improvement opportunities through the same
telematics platform.

A considerable improvement has been generated in the reaction and response time to events and operational queries, improving the decision-making process and increasing the operation effectiveness,

More details

Download and view the technical and commercial documents of the solution.

Didcom can help you to integrate technological solutions to improve the experience and customer service, managing to reinforce the passengers satisfaction in your bus fleet, consolidating the competitiveness level and business reputation.