Advanced engine variables and efficient fault codes diagnosis

Freight transport company

Leading cargo transportation company in Mexico with 50 years of experience, providing courier, parcel, consolidated transportation, merchandise insurance, packaging and packaging services throughout the entire national territory.

Currently, the company has more than 40 branch offices, providing cargo transportation services throughout Mexico and the west coast of the United States, consolidating itself as a leader in land transportation in our country. They continue to grow and improve the quality of their services, renewing their commitment to their partners and collaborators to encourage their constant improvement and human growth.

The client expressed interest in evaluating an advanced telematics solution for monitoring engine variables and diagnosing fault codes in real time in a multi-brand vehicles fleet, with the main objective of knowing the scope of obtaining this information in an automatic way and have it available to be integrated between different internal operating systems to streamline daily tasks that until then were carried out manually.

Didcom implemented an advanced telematics solution to interpret and record in real time the various parameters available on the CAN communication network to display simplified operation and performance information to generate detailed analysis that informs and supports intelligent decision making. Over a period of eleven weeks, Didcom focused its capabilities and expertise in specialized engineering and technology to implement a proof of concept for the company, with the main objective of exemplifying the functionality, potential and scope of the technological solution for the fleet.

Most of the solutions required development and integration
of hardware and software, tailored to client's requirements.

The value of the advanced telematics solution proposal implemented by Didcom focused on extracting information from data to generate operational visibility and responsiveness to the business, simplifying the performance analysis of its fleet to make informed and timely decisions.

The main benefit of the implementation was the use of information to evaluate the health of the fleet, putting detailed control of the operation within the reach of its administration in a 24/7 scheme through continuous monitoring that provides certainty through prevention and prognoses.

The technological implementation of this project offers a clear vision of fleet operation in a simple, efficient and visually attractive way, facilitating control, detection of incidents and opportunities for improvement through the same telematics platform.

More details

Download and view the technical and commercial documents of the solution.

Didcom can help you boost monitoring in your fleet management through the integration of technological solutions that provide an accurate overview of the operation, turning data into a competitive advantage to add value to your commercial proposal.